Jullie hulp wordt gevraagd in volgende petities:
1. Men is in Portugal van plan om een stuk van de Lagune van Salgados in de Algarve te ontwikkelen en dus te vernietigen voor altijd met desastreuze gevolgen voor de natuur aldaar.
Hieronder staat de originele tekst van de petitie en de link om deze petitie te ondertekenen.
Right now the Portuguese Government has just given the go-ahead for the majority of the area, 359 hectares, (887 acres), to be “developed”. By developed they mean “to be concreted over” and thus lost to the wildlife that finds it vital now and also lost for the enjoyment of future generations. Any development near this important area will have a hugely detrimental impact on the wildlife that uses it. It will never come back; it’ll be gone for ever.
When will Man realize that he is not the only animal on the planet?
The Algarve does not need more hotels, golf courses or holiday accommodation – all of which stand now at 55% occupancy. What it DOES need is an appreciation of its unique habitats and the wildlife that depends upon them.
Please help us get the signatures that we need for this matter to be raised in Parliament.
We need you – you’re our only hope!
As Chief Seattle said, “Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money”.
2. In Cyprus worden tijdens de vogeltrek nog steeds massaal vogels afgeslacht waaronder verschillende bedreigde soorten! Dit moet stoppen!
Hieronder staat de originele tekst van de petitie en een link om deze te ondertekenen.
Hundreds of thousands of little birds are killed as they migrate through Cyprus every year. They are destined to become a very expensive restaurant delicacy.
Trappers use completely unselective methods, including mist nets, which trap every flying animal that goes past. Although blackcaps are the main target, over 150 different bird species are caught, of which about 80 are endangered. Species trapped include robins, shrikes and the colourful little bee eaters pictured.
Songbirds already face a multitude of problems, ranging from habitat destruction to their populations being ravaged by domestic and feral cats. The last thing they need is wholesale slaughter to become a luxury dish.
The slaughter is also illegal, but the authorities appear to turn a blind eye. Ask the Cyprus government to get serious about looking after the environment and enforcing their own laws.
Dank voor jullie medewerking.